How Do You Feel After Acupuncture?
How Do You Feel After Acupuncture?
How you feel after an acupuncture treatment can depend on what you are getting treated. Chinese medicine views disease or pain in the body as caused by a blockage of qi (energy), acupuncture treatments unblock qi and help restore balance in the body thereby stimulating your own natural healing. There are a few working hypothesises about how acupuncture works in the body according to western medicine. One theory is that acupuncture needling affects the neuro-hormonal pathways and releases endorphins. An alternate theory is that acupuncture reduces inflammatory markers which then decreases pain or it increases blood flow to certain areas of the body which reduces stress hormones, releases neurotransmitters and balances hormone levels.
So, what does this all mean for you? Well, most patients feel calm, relaxed and uplifted after a treatment. There is a term called acu-stoned, which means you can feel very happy and euphoric after a treatment. Ideally pain levels begin to decrease and stress levels drop. You may find that you sleep better and your digestion improves so you feel hungry. Since an acupuncture treatment is holistic in its approach it can positively affect the whole body. Some patients find that they are a bit tired for a day after which is very normal. This is a good indicator of where your energy levels are once we reduce stress hormones. As you continue on your acupuncture journey we consistently reassess to make sure you are achieving the goals you stated on your first treatment as well as bringing awareness to the other areas that acupuncture is positively impacting. My intent as a practitioner is to ensure you feel seen, that you feel supported and that you are empowered to make the changes you want in your health.
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If you are ready to get started on your acupuncture journey with Andrea then schedule your appointment here.